About the Invention

After teaching multiple procedural skills and simulations to hundreds of paramedic, nursing, medical students and residents using various task trainers, manikins, and cadavers, a common occurrence was observed: a large percentage of learners do not take the task as seriously as they would if it was being performed on a live patient due to the inherent artificiality of many commercially available task trainers.  Indeed, the rubber, plastics, coloring, density, look and feel of so many simulators is just plain unrealistic.

Because of this artificiality, the learner often disconnects from the critical nature of the procedure or task, and the visceral-emotional-technical aspect that exists while performing procedures on live patients is completely lost.  Critical steps are skipped or forgotten because the learner knows nothing “bad” can happen on a piece of plastic.

We spent the last 2 years working to help solve this problem by creating a wearable, repairable, scalable, lightweight, moulagable, safe, realistic critical task trainer that fully replicates the look and feel of multiple critical procedures to create the most realistic, high-fidelity, immersive medical simulations possible so that learners master many of the steps that stabilize patients and save lives.